Monday, June 18, 2007

Halle und Radio

After being here for about 3 weeks, I finally went out to explore Frankfurt's nightlife this past Saturday evening. I first went to a bar called 'Die Halle' with my neighbor Josef. It was a bar for 'bikers' so I am told. We went to watch his friend and his band play. They were quite good but their choice of rock wasn't my cup of tea (Sean, I think you would of liked it). We stayed there till about 12:30pm and proceeded to go back to our apartments and pre-game before going out again. Drinks are über expensive here in Frankfurt. After we were sufficiently intoxicated we left upon our bicycles towards the club 'Radio'. Let me just tell you that me riding a bicycle to begin with is already very funny, but me riding one when I am in a state of pure inebriation is hilarious! The thing that I love about bars/clubs here in Europe is that they are open really late, unlike the wussy clubs in the States that close at 2am. I was dancing at 'Radio' till five in the morning!!! Ah, I love it!!!
But I have to admit that the best part of my night was when I was told, "You are too hot to be an Au Pair. If you were my Au Pair, I would be so thankful to my parents everyday!!!" Hahahaha
Krass! Geil!
The night ended with me watching the sunrise and falling asleep at 7:05. Ah, what a way to start off the year abroad. =)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ummm, Excuse Me?!??!?!

So, why the hell did I not know that the SMASHING PUMPKINS were finally on tour??!?!?!?!?
They played last week, June 6, at Berlin!!!!!!!
I am sooo annoyed with myself.
Maybe I can go to the one in Brussels.
Anyone wanna come with?

Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't live for tomorrow
Tomorrow is just too far gone

My Life Across the Pond

My first Schlatplatte.... basically a dead pig on my plate.
Oh, goodness!

Papparazzi Shot




My home

My Tube Stop...
Looks something like out of 'Encounters of the Third Kind'

Future place of work
European Central Bank

Downtown Frankfurt

Fulfilling the German generalization of drinking beer....
all the time.

It was Linus' 5th Birthday on Monday, so I decided to make him
a pinata out of Papier Mache...
Check it out

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

End Result

Now have your fun with it and hit it till the candy comes out.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Life so Far...

Well, I am 100% moved into my own flat and will start taking reservations for people who would like to come visit, need a place to sleep for a night, pit-stop... you know, the usual. I am slowly making the apartment my own, but since I did not bring alot I have to buy it here. Maybe I will improv and put some mud on the walls or something of the sorts. =)
Yesterday was such a great day. I went to the city center which is about a 15-minute walk from my place. I bought a Handy (or cell phone) and then went urban exploring for awhile. I came upon this Spanish Festival werer there was a band playing live Cumbias, Salsas, and Sambas. It was a lot of fun, but I think it was even funner watching all the people 'dance'. I, myself, wanted to bust a move, but I was a little self-conscious. Thinking about it now, I am angry with my self for not doing it. I mean come on, nobody knows me, nobody cares. What is this social boundary that keeps me in place??? I resolve to do something out of the ordinary each day (well, let's start with baby steps first)...each week in order to break myself out of this habit. So I listened to band, but not alone...oh, no. Since it was a Spanish Festival, people were making fresh Paella. I had to buy a plate and a glass of Sangria to go along with it. It was so delicious. I am still savoring it. I should again and see if they are still there. I want another plate!
Most of my evenings I have spent them reading outside in the garden. I share a garden with a Mansion, so you could imagine how gorgeous it is. It is fairly big; it has a pond and a couple of Willow Trees which are my favorite. So far, I have only met one of my neighbors. His name is Josef. He is 29 years old and is studying Computer Science at the University of Frankfurt. He does photography as a hobby and on Wednesday night over some beers and Red Bull with Vodka, he showed me his work and showed him some the stuff that I am currently working on. But I can't even compare my stuff to his; I just started and he has been doing this for about 10 years. Well, at least he said he would help me to improve. That's if I understood him correctly. I have been trying really hard to get back into the habit of speaking German and to improve my skills. So, I have requested from him to only speak German to me. I must say that I am quite impressed with how much I understand. But I get a little bit nervous when people put me on the spot and asked me to translate exactly what they have just said. It's scary. My brain right now is on overload. I am constantly speaking 3 languages at once. With the children I speak German and English, with Bernardo and Isabel I speak Spanish. I am always changing from one to another and it can be quite exhausting and challenging, but it is helping improve all of my languages.