Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Damn it


I went to the hospital today

I have eczema


So much for not being stressed out

this sucks.

Does anybody want to take care of me?

Monday, October 24, 2005


p.s. Sorry i have not been the best of friends and haven't called or given you a gift. I know I am a bad person and for that I shall suffer the consequences. But please do know that I love y'all with all my heart and hope the best for the years to come.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bloody Hell.....

Yeah, that's right....
i wish i were british so i could pull off the saying, "Bloody Hell"

Since yesterday i have been in enormous amounts of pain.
My eyelids have over-dried, become swollen, and cracked.
In consequence of the cracking, my eyes bled.
Ok, maybe not my eyes (i am not the virgin Mary or something),
but my eyelids bled.
It has stopped now,
but it still hurts.
I think what makes it worse
is not having anyone next to me in my bed
To take care of me
until the pain goes away.

Ah, so much pain.


Friday, October 14, 2005


Well, it was a very stressful week, but I got through it and I made it. I don't think I broke down at all. There was the occassional, "I can't take this shit anymore," but other than that I think I did good. This whole new "not giving so much of a damn" attitude is actually working out pretty good. LoL However, just because I am not worrying so much abou things in school, it does not imply that I am throwing away all concerns with the rest of my life. Ah, there is so much to do this weekend, AND Kelly will be visiting which I am really psyched about. Oh, if anybody is reading this that goes to the U of R, go and support Todd Theater by watching Accidental Death of an Anarchist which is on at 8 pm today, Saturday, and next Thursday-Saturday; however, there is something extra special on Sunday's matinee (at 3pm). There will be a special guest in the show (pssst, I'll give you a clue....he is the new president of our school). SO GO AND WATCH IT!!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

A New Moi...

It is time for a change!!! (Don't worry, I am not going punk. This was for the Punk Party of Friday night. However, I did want y'all to see my new hair-do)
So, I have decided it is time for a change in my life. And to start it off I have been doing small little things, like changing this blog, getting a hair cut (which is really riskee), always being open to doing stuff with friends. I have now realized that I am at a pooint in my life in which I have to take in my surroundings and take advantage of them. I am not saying that I going to throw all my worries away, but I will try my very best to remain calm and keep my cool. It's CarpeFUCKINGdiem time!!!

Do a little dance
Make a little love
Get down tonight...

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Things that are really grinding my gears right now...

-i can't fall asleep although last nigh i pulled an ALL-NIGHTER
-had to put up A-frame signs all over the fucking campus
-have to clear all the A-frame signs I put all over campus
-stupid white rich girl that said in class,
"If you work in Wal-Mart, then you don't deserve to get a good wage. "


-trying to keep up with my classes
-not being able to talk to my friends at home
-Professor F. Harris, alongside with the Professors Stone and Gamm
-not being in Germany right now
-not being able to watch a movie and have chinese food along with it
-not having money
-being German-retarded
-having a shit load to do and no time to do it in
-not being able to take a breather
-being stuck in school instead of at the beach
-knowing that sooner or later (much sooner than you think) i will be joining the previously stated online groups
-not acting this semester (however, i am happy for the 'time off')
-seeing people i don't want to see
-playing nice
-not hearing from you in days....

Monday, October 03, 2005

What a Weekend!!!

Let the pics speak for themselves...



Sean and I rocking out!!!

J-Recht rocking out with ThunderPuss

Sean Celebrating his 20 Years!!!

Me at the German House

Diana and Me....

Jamie and Natalie

ThunderPuss Rocking the Show


Oh Yeah!

Dashboard Concert