Thursday, October 06, 2005


Things that are really grinding my gears right now...

-i can't fall asleep although last nigh i pulled an ALL-NIGHTER
-had to put up A-frame signs all over the fucking campus
-have to clear all the A-frame signs I put all over campus
-stupid white rich girl that said in class,
"If you work in Wal-Mart, then you don't deserve to get a good wage. "


-trying to keep up with my classes
-not being able to talk to my friends at home
-Professor F. Harris, alongside with the Professors Stone and Gamm
-not being in Germany right now
-not being able to watch a movie and have chinese food along with it
-not having money
-being German-retarded
-having a shit load to do and no time to do it in
-not being able to take a breather
-being stuck in school instead of at the beach
-knowing that sooner or later (much sooner than you think) i will be joining the previously stated online groups
-not acting this semester (however, i am happy for the 'time off')
-seeing people i don't want to see
-playing nice
-not hearing from you in days....

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