Monday, January 30, 2006


I know I worried a few in my last couple of blog entries, but not to worry I am doing better. I think I was just a little sad because I hadn't spoken to anybody of my friends or family in a couple of days. But I am all better now. Today, I finally start all my classes. I have only been taking 2 intensive seminar classes. However, I find it to be very funny because I only have one class on Mondays....and guess what it is. Yup, you're it's my long time enemy and friend, GERMAN!!! I hate it; if it weren't for that stupid class I would have Mondays completely free and then have a four day weekend instead of three, so hence, I would have been able to take full advantage of it to go out on "Holiday" as they around these parts. But NOOOO, the German gods hate me. lol
Well, other than that I had a really good weekend. Friday night, a friend of mine, Claudia, and I made some pasta and then went to a small gathering of friends ("Otherwise, known as an orgy" [10 things i hate about you.....hehehehe]) which then turned into a million people in one apartment. Let's just sayGerman rum and vodka suck. hehehe We were too many so we decided to go to the bar behind our apartment complex.
Let me tell you the story behind my dorms. When I first saw my room I though it was just like a hospital room. It has a huge wide door (like to fit a hospital bed through it), white washed tall walls, cold floors, and bad heating. Two days later one of the program's coordinator told me that in fact, the whole dorm facility use to be a French hospital. ewww. Anyways, the bar is called Münden Bar which is Vietnamese for "morgue". Yeah, the bar use to be a morgue. It's an underground morgue. Yeah, you heard right, Sketchy McSketch, right? After a couple more shots and beers I swear I could see ghosts walking around the bar. hehehe
Saturday, I stayed in. You might ask yourself why I decided to stay in seeing that I am in Europe and how I should be taking advantage of everything here. But the thing is that pretty soon we are going to start some major-touring-working-awesome tours around eastern and western Europe and I don't want to be all pooped out. So I just chillaxed and rested. Ooooh, I found out that my new laptop also plays DVDs from different regions so I was watching Erin Brockovich in German. Ok, no, I put it in English, but I left the German subtitles on. Oh, I miss watching my movies, but what I miss watching is my Dane Cook Comedy Central Special ("You're move Holy Man!!!") Oh my gosh, I am so random; but that's because I did a line of Ovaltine before I got here...hehehe. Diana, you are probably the only one laughing at that, hahaha.
Oh, I finally got my mailing address, so I am going to post up here so you peepz can send me lots of gifts and letters. I miss you all sooooooooo much. Miss ya, luv ya!!!

Here ya go:

Gabriela Jones
c/o IES-Freiburg EU Center
Erbprinzenstraße 18
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Friday, January 27, 2006

*Sigh II*

It's a new day
Anything can go either way
Last night was full of cries
Woke up with sun in my eyes
Today I am taking 2 tests
So much needed rest
But I am okay
It's a brand new day
It's wonderful to have friends
They ease all your ends
Thanks to you
I am no longer blue....

Thanks, Di !!!
Luv ya

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I can't help but wonder what the true meaning of my life is. I know it's not the time for me to get all philosiphical. I am so upset with myself. I am in Germany; I am finally back to the place where I wanted to be, and yet, I still feel somewhat disappointed. Loneliness seems to follow me where ever I go. Why does it seem that I worsen as time progresses? I have to admit... All of this is bullshit!!! My whole life is bullshit!!! But how can I call my family, friends, all those who love bullshit??? They are not. It's me. Maybe it's not the life that sucks, but it is the person living it...

I haven't made any really good friends here. Yeah, I have met a couple of people here and there, but I cannot warm up to them. I don't want to sound condescending, but everyone else is here is in this program for the wrong reasons. Everyone wants to drink, party, and not learn the language. But whom am I to judge? I just feel I cannot bond with any people based on their expectations for these next months. Maybe I should lower my standards and just become the "normal American student who likes to party and be ignorant of other cultures." I can only think of two instances where I have been truly happy here, but I know they won't happen again for a very long time due to a distancing that will be implemeted on February 13th....

I should get rid of all defenses and take everything in. BUT I AM TAKING EVERYTHING IN!!! I am f***ing messed up in the head. Ugh! Whatever disease I have, I hope it leaves me soon. But I can't promise anything like that because I have been feeling like this for a long time...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Deutschland 2006!!!

So Peepz,
i know it has been a looooong time since i have written in this thing. It's just so hard to keep up with this internet thing cuz right now I DON'T HAVE INTERNET!!! it freaking sucks, but let me give you the quick lowdown on how the situation is going....

1. i was at home for the winter holidays
2. i saw a bunch of relatives and friends
3. had a great time
4. left to germany on jan. 10 and arrived the 11th
5. have been in germany over a week
6. went to the black forrest
7. climbed the highest mountain in the black forrest
8. have had an amazing amount of beer and wine
(i must take in the culture...hehehe)
9. miss everyone deeply
10. will be going to strasbourg tomorrow

the list keeps going on and on
i will soon post pics online of all my adventures here in Deutschland
send me an e-mail once in a while
p.s. i don't have internet in my room (which sucks), so i won't be on AIM that much

luv ya everybody!!!