Saturday, July 22, 2006


I have one more week left at my job, and then I can finally move out of that office and never have to work there again!!! I will also be moving (once again) to a friend's house for the month of August until school starts back up. I didn't want to go back to Texas because right now there isn't much of anything back at home, except for my family, but times are tough right now on the financial side. When one is gone for such a long time trvaveling and without any income coming in biweekly, it is bound to happen that one's bank account will shrink exponentially. So, I must stay and work here for the remainder of the summer. I must admit, it's a little bit lonely here right now. Yes, Sean, Nick, and Mitch are here, but they are working most of the time and during the time that they are not, I am. So, in conclusion, I don't see much of them at all. Diana will come back up on August 15th, but that's still a long ways from now.
My life has surely gone from one extreme to another in the time span of about a month. It wasn't long ago that I was walking down the streets of Braunschweig with someone by my side, and now, here I am trying to make it thru another day without shooting my boss or going insane because of the solitude. I think that Life which I have lived a month and a half ago was just a dream and nothing else. I have nothing to show for it now. And like water, it went through my hands. All I have left are memories which at times seem so distant and I question myself whether they were true or not.
Coming back from that fantasy might have been the worst mistake I have ever committed, but my responsibilities and priorities are what drove me back to Rochester in the first place. It only seems like an eternity right now because I am at the beginning of my journey, but seriously, I only have one year left. And the way time goes by now, time will travel at the speed of light and then I can do or go wherever I most desire...

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