Monday, September 18, 2006

Le Weekend

Last Friday I went to the Little Theater with Liz and Nick. We watched "Half Nelson" starring Ryan gosling (the guy from "The Notebook"). It basically deals with this seventh grade teacher who does cocaine, gets caught by a student, and from the on there is a bond created between both of them. Yeah, it's a little bit on the weird side. We got back to campus, rested for a bit, and then hit the Frat Quad. Like always, the Frat Quad was a big let down. There were a bunch of people outside, but everybody who was inside the houses were playing Beer Pong. Not my idea of entertainment. Nick and I were looking for a dance party. However, Uncle Dickie's showed up and Nick and I bought some chili cheese fries from him. While we were waiting in line some guys were trying to harass us, but then something was said and we ended up laughing and talking to them. During that my phone rang and it was a friend of mine. I started talking in Spanish to them. The guy that was in line with us was so mesmorized by my rolling of my "R"s in Spanish that he practically started orgasming right there. He kept on saying, "Do it again, again, again!" Yeah!!!
Saturday came and I was lazy as a bum till about 11:30ish, but I had told Courtney that I would help clean (aka scrape off all the nastiness from) the kitchen. However, Courtney went to the Farmers' Market and was late. So, I decided to make pancakes for Nick and I. Then Dave Lu joined us. When we were done, Nick's mom called and said that she was about 10 minutes from the school. His parenets dropped off some cans of paint and painting supplies. They donated these to the D-House. After that, Courtney arrived and Sean came down the stairs. We all started to clean which took about 2 1/2 hours. Unfortunately, I think Sean got the worst job during the cleaning process. We have 3 refrigerators, and one of them is the beer fridge. Well, in that particular fridge there had been some watermelon, meet, and bread left over the summer. Yup! He cleaned all of it. I must say it was quite a smell.... Just the thought of it makes me dizzy. Even further, there was this horrible liquid forming on the bottom of the fridge because of the watermelon. OH, but that's not all, some of that liquid was turning into nice gooey slime. Ewwwwww!!!
But enough of that nonsense. After cleaning, Nick and I were inspired to paint. So we painted the ugly "bar" that is downstairs in the basement. It now looks like a checkerboard. The hard thing about this was taping off the wood in order to get the correct size of each square. We were quickly approaching 9pm and rememberred the Frat AEPi was having an event. We rinsed off our brushes and headed off to the Eastman Quad where we were greeted by the brothers. I had never gone to any of AEPi's events (wait, I think I went to a party sophomore year, but I don't like to remember that). So let's just stay with I have never been to any of AEPi's events. I met alot of the brothers which were either named Mike, Zach, or something else. The awesome thing of this was the consumption of Hummus with Pita bread and Hookah smoking. OMG, it was sooo good, especially because the tobacco was flavored. For example, I had some apple-mint, mango-orange (yeah, I know, Mango!), cherry, cocktail, and strawberry. Nick and I were hookah-hoggers. We didn't want to give up our hose. We were soooooo relaxed. We were so selfish that Nick and I said that he had Oral Herpes and so he couldn't share it with anyone else.... and I eventually was going to get them because I was fooling around with him the night before. hehehehe The brothers invited me to a party in their suite after the hookah smoking. But I nicely declined and said I had other events to attend to first, but if I could I would stop by. BTW all of that was BS because Nick and I wanted to finish painting. Yeah, I am a great big loser.

Friend: So Gaby, what did you last Saturday night?
Me: Oh, I went to the hookah smoking, got invited to a party, but I decided to stay home and paint.

Sunday was pretty much wasted. I went to D'Motions to dance, but then I came back, fell asleep, woke up, and thought it was 3 in the morning. Ay carramba!

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