Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Let the Games Begin....

Ahhhhh!!!! It's true (and sad), today, has been my first official day as a SENIOR!!! It is so weird to realize that three years of my life have gone by and now, in a matter of 9 months my whole life will change.... Ha, nine months, I could have a baby, but I rather not get into that subject matter. Fortunately, I only had two classes this morning. I am still a little bit perplexed as to what I feel about them and the professors. Oh well. But oh my, the best thing that happened today was that I had to go to the doctor. Can you say akward. Yup, it was bad and shameful.... let's just leave it at that. The whole expedition to the doctor's started going wrong when I missed the bus and had to walk over to the clinic, which is not a bad walk. But for some crazy idea I decided to wear high heels today. So, I walked allllll the way to the hospital in my high heels. Yeah, not fun!
I finally to finish decorating my room and unpacking, but once again I have managed to make it a big mess.

Ha, this is a bit weird... I dont know what to write, probably because I am still so tired from Saturday's/Sunday's 24 Hour Play Festival which I was involved in. It was so much fun, but oh so tiring as well. Must shut eyes....aaaaaaa


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