In lieu of legitimate successful jobs (and basically lack of skills as so we were told yesterday by a Career Center Counselor) , Diana and I have composed a Top 20 List of our top 20 "dream"/ backup jobs after graduation. Please feel free to comment on which one you would like to see us in or which one you would think we would be best at.
Top 20 "Dream" Backup Jobs
1. Work at McDonald's
2. Exotic /Burlesque Dancer
3. Drug Dealer
4. Date a Drug Dealer***
5. Arms Dealer
6. Sell "products" on the Black Market
7. Porn Directors*
8. Professional Assassins
9. Rappers
10. President (b/c we know that any idiot can do that job)
11. 'Coyotes' (helping illegal immigrants cross the border and charge $1000/illegal)
12. Fruit Picker
13. House Cleaner
14. Nanny
15. Actress
16. Fishe(wo)men
17. Join the Armed Forces
18. Mary rich-must be over 65 years old
19. Sports Athlete Wife (who will take his drinking, drug abuse, general infidelity)
20. Cook
*** job that we really really really want
*job that we would love
How about becoming godfather of a frat?