Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Rochester, Take 3

Well, I have been back at Rochester for exactly a week now, and I have done so many things. I can't believe everything that has happened. Here is a list, because explaining everything in full detail would be insane.
1. moved in and decorated my awesome SINGLE room
2. said hello to all my friends
3. spend countless hours with my Cocowina
4. made pasta with Nick
5. worked on orientation stuff
6. met a million freshmen
7. went to the 24hr play festival and improv shows
8. saw Nigel Maister, Master of Fine Arts =)
9. went to Eastman and Java's
10. saw some ex-classmates of mine
11. have had endless amounts of pizza
12. have spent over $100 from my declining credit
13. partied extreme every night on the frat quad
14. watched Moulin Rouge and had cookies
15. hanged out with a guy named Cheese in front of D.U.
16. saw and got very excited about 2 Scottish boys w/ Katie D.
17. talked to Katie F. and Nadine
18. applied to Java's cafe
19. found 10 beers in my fridge (i have no idea how they got there)
20. missing my family and my friends
21. went to Wegman's
22. bought books and some funky socks
23. made (and currently still making) fun of freshmen

Well, there is actually a lot more, but that is just a little glimpse of things. I start classes this coming Thursday. We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, stay classy!!!

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